I have been with them since 2010 and have never had a bad experience. They offer great coverage at a great price.
5 out of 5 starsRonnie Parker — 5/6/2024
The representative was very knowledgeable and helpful.
5 out of 5 starsMDC — 4/8/2024
Professional, helpful - got the information I needed.
5 out of 5 starsTina Taylor — 2/26/2024
Have policy for my other granddaughter and I am very satisfied with how easy it was to obtain and the price.
5 out of 5 starskaye crooks — 2/5/2024
Great customer service.
5 out of 5 starsStacy McGuire — 2/5/2024
Professional and knowledgeable customer service representatives.
5 out of 5 starsTim Wagner — 1/23/2024
Very easy to work with. Personnel were great when having questions and needs.
5 out of 5 starsLisa Shannon — 12/19/2023
Very kind and helpful.
Term Life Insurance for Adults
Buy direct from the comfort of your home!
It’s easy to buy. Online application can be completed in minutes. There is no medical exam—just a simple application.
Peace of mind for you and your family
Feel secure knowing that money will be there for credit card bills, home and car loans, children’s and grandchildren’s
future education and even your medical and final burial expenses.
Life insurance that fits your budget
Choose the right coverage amount to fit your monthly expenses.
Take the first step towards a financial head start for your child or grandchild
Your child’s policy builds cash value for the future.
Benefits never canceled or reduced
Once approved, your benefits will never be reduced or canceled regardless of changes in age, health or occupation as long as the premiums are paid on time.
Rates are guaranteed to stay the same for life
The monthly rate is based on your children’s or grandchildren’s present age and is guaranteed to stay the same for the rest of their life.
Globe Life is rated A (Excellent)** by A.M. Best Company
based on their latest analysis of Globe Life's financial strength, management skills and integrity. (rating as of 10/24)
A No Medical Exam Life Insurance policy can now be purchased from the comfort of your own home.
A No Medical Exam Life Insurance policy with just a simple application can now be purchased from the comfort of your own home. Getting traditional life insurance can be time consuming, involving multiple steps that can wind up distracting our attention from our required routines. If you work long hours, travel a lot or have a difficult schedule, you may be avoiding the perceived hassle of getting a policy. Life Insurance is a viable modern day option.
A No Medical Exam Life Insurance policy means people can receive real coverage, without having to provide blood and urine for testing. With No Medical Exam Life Insurance, you only have a simple application.
Getting Educated About No Medical Exam Life Insurance—Simple Application
For those of us living very busy lives, we need to learn about No Medical Exam Life Insurance because it helps us to get the process over with in a way that causes the least amount of interruption to our lives. The ease of getting Life Insurance No Medical Exam—Simple Application coverage assures that you won’t be forced to delay getting insured just because you lack the necessary time to give the purchase your full attention.
No Appointments Required
Typically, to get a life insurance policy, you have to qualify by passing a basic medical exam. Of course, this often means making an appointment with a doctor, providing a urine sample, and having blood drawn. Another option is that that an insurance company hires a private nurse to visit you and home in order to draw your blood and take a urine sample. Naturally, this means finding the mutually available time span that would allow for an appointment.
No Medical Exam Life Insurance Policy
Your loved ones deserve the security of knowing they are protected, and obtaining a No Medical Exam Life Insurance policy with just a simple application can be tangible evidence of your caring concern for their welfare. If you don’t like needles and do like the simplicity and convenience of getting insurance without being examined, No Medical Exam life insurance—Simple Application can be an attractive option.
Getting a Life Insurance Quote Without Getting a Medical Exam
Obtaining a life insurance policy can be a time consuming process that requires a medical exam and a good deal of waiting, but it doesn't have to be that way.