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Ten Tips for Successful Single Parent Families

Ten Tips for Successful Single Parent Families

Time management can be a challenge for a single parent. Children need and crave your attention, but with so many errands to run and tasks to complete it can be difficult to find time to do everything that needs to get done on your own. But if you follow these simple tips, you will find single parenting a more manageable task.

1 – Plan Ahead

One of the strategies for successful single parenting is to keep a jump ahead of what's going on. Before you go to bed, pack the kids' lunches, check to make sure homework is done, lay out their clothes for the following day and pack everything into their backpacks.

Ten Tips for Successful Single Parent Families | Globe Life 2 – Delegate

As soon as the kids are old enough, have them do what they can for themselves, such as preparing for school the night before. Not only will this help you out, but the kids will benefit from the responsibility.

3 – Make a Chore Sheet

It may take more time initially to train your kids to help with household chores, but it will be worth it in the end. Each child should have some responsibility in helping to keep the household running.

4 – Get Help

Don't be afraid to ask for help if you have family or close friends nearby. Even if you have no one nearby that you can rely on, you probably know some other single parents and they probably need help as much as you do. See if you can help each other out with carpooling, babysitting, and other responsibilities.

5 – Don't Be Afraid to Discipline

One of the reasons to discipline is time management. Meeting your children's behavior problems head on will save you time in the long run. Problems left unresolved escalate into bigger problems. Nip inappropriate behaviors in the bud as soon as they occur.

6 – Stay in Touch with the Kids' Schools

Yes, you have a lot to do, but knowing what goes on at school is one of your most important tasks. This doesn't mean you have to go down to the school all the time. It just means you need to monitor your child's progress. Report cards come out four times a year. Be sure you see your child's. If there are problems with grades, then call the teacher. If there is a behavior problem the school will call you. Most of the time situations regarding school can be resolved over the phone.

7 – Save for that Rainy Day

Even if it is only a few dollars, try to put a little money aside every time you get a paycheck. It is also a good idea to have a fund you can use for emergencies. If that is not possible, try to keep a credit card for that purpose.

8 – Lean on Support Systems

If the other parent of your children is positively involved in their lives, then it's okay to sometimes let she/he take the wheel. Lean on whatever trusted support systems you have when you need to. Being a single parent is hard. You get tired. You get stressed out. When the stress and exhaustion get to be too much, don't be afraid to let someone else step in for a bit. Grandparents can be amazing support systems for single parents, so to can trusted friends, aunts and uncles and yes, even ex-spouses.

9 – Keep Your Perspective

Being a single parent isn't always easy, but childrearing doesn't last forever. As your children grow older they will begin to be able to understand and help out more. When they get to be adults, they can be the ones helping you. So keep your eyes on your goal: raising children who will be good adults.

10 – Enjoy Your Family

This is your time to live closely together, the time that will bind you together in the future. So enjoy each other and make good memories. Stop and take time to talk to your kids and build solid relationships with them.

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